Monday 21 March 2011

GameDr, Controls your time for a game

Here is a smart gadget called for ‘GameDr’. This is designed for a person who plays game without realizing how long he spent time for a game. You can plug it and check your time and it also alarm for each hour or 10 minutes. If you set a time for a game and the time pass away, its power will be off so you don’t need to worry about gameholic.

Motorcycle or Bicycle??

Actually, they are bicycles operated by rounding its pedal and they are designed by ‘Jason Battersby’. They have a unique feature with a combination of orange and white color. Their external shapes are made of glass fiber. You can feel as you are riding a motorcycle even though you are riding these cool bicycles

Cool Mirror with MP3 Player

Here is a cool and not an ordinary Maitre mirror from Stocco. It contains touch screen console in the lower-right corner, which offers MP3 player, programming and operation of a radio, and a clock, so you can listen to music or radio even while you are taking shower. The Maitre mirror is polished and flush-mounted on an aluminum frame, complementing any contemporary style and bringing an understated elegance to your spa-inspired space. The Maitre mirror is available in sizes from 90-cm to 2-meters.